4 [There is] one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; … 11 And He Himself gave some [to be] apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, [Eph 4:4, 11-12 NKJV]
Brother Sandro Ruiz, Pastor :: Brother Amos Yormie, Prophet :: Brother John Yamin, Apostle
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Audio Transcript:
Brother John Yamin: Greetings in the Name of Jesus,
Welcome to Right Hand Apostolic Team Meeting. One of things I would like to cause you to understand and see that everything that happened in the early church, all of the churches that were planted, the spread of the gospel, the changing of people’s lives, all of the healings that took place, all the supernatural that went on, went on as a result of teams, apostolic teams. It wasn’t just one individual, we get a picture sometimes of the apostle Paul trudging along all alone through the wilderness to preach the gospel. No, he had a team with him. In many cases, he had an entourage of people that traveled with him. Time and time again, you will see where he left and disciples went with him. That when he and Barnabas were going out for the second missionary journey, they were deciding who was going to be part of the team to go.
Peter, when he went to Cornelius’ house, stopped on the way at Antioch and picked up his apostolic team to go with him. And it was so important for that because when he came back to Jerusalem and he was sharing how the gospel and the gift of the Holy Spirit had been given to the gentiles, they were not fully convinced until his team confirmed for them that they had seen it as well. So, you can see somewhat the importance of apostolic teams.
I believe somewhere around 2003, the Father has gone about restoring apostolic teams. Team ministry. The pastor-only model of church is over and done with, we have gotten all the mileage out of that we can possibly get. It is now time for the church to become extremely supernatural in everything that we do. That is part of the vision of the Right Hand Apostolic Network to see apostles formulate their teams, to see pastors come together, so that there can be not only a time for encouragement but there can be a time of confirmation, the same way the team in Acts 13 came together, the prophets and teachers, and confirmed for Barnabas and Paul it was time for them to go on and also sent them on with provision, as well. You can see right there, the truth of the word of God, that the pattern is there. We just need to have the revelation and see it and follow the pattern as the Holy Spirit shows us and guides us in the way we should go.
Having said that, I want to introduce you to Right Hand Apostolic Network Team, I have to my right, I am going to say it this way, Amos (Yormie), called to be a prophet by the will of God. And then we have Sandro (Ruiz), called to be a Pastor by the will of God. I will start with you, Amos, called to be a Prophet by the will of God, but I think we can agree on something with Paul when he called them brethren. I think we can agree we can call each other brother, one thing about apostolic ministry is we are not all into titles, we are brothers first and that is a covenant term.
Brother Amos Yormie: Teamwork is a great a blessing because when you are part of a team you benefit from the wealth of wisdom and knowledge of others that you do not have. For instance, from the time we have been working together with Apostle (John) Yamin has been a real blessing. I have really learned a lot from him. I have tapped into his wisdom and many things he has shared with us has completely turned our ministry around. And if you operate by yourself, you only operate with what you have, with the wisdom and knowledge you have, so you are limited but when you work in a team you benefit from the wealth of wisdom and knowledge and understanding of others. That is one of the blessings of operating as a team. Right Hand Apostolic Network has blessed me and has blessed our ministry and I believe it is going to be a blessing to all you pastors and ministers of the gospel who come along side, you also will be blessed as we have been blessed because one can put one thousand to flight but two can do even much, much, more. So, teamwork is very important. The bible encourages unity. We are members of one body, though we are different members but together, we join together and each of us benefit from one another that is the essence of the Apostolic Network we join together and each of us benefit from one another with that we become a stronger team and we are able to accomplish more in a limited amount of time. Jesus is coming soon and we have to be an effective church.
Brother Sandro Ruiz: Unity is one of the most important things that has been established. We are able to see in Jesus’ ministry he started alone when He was baptized but yet he started picking out His disciples. It was very important. He knew teamwork was very important, even acknowledging that the one who would betray Him was going to be among those twelve so His mission could be completed. We have to understand Jesus himself prayed for unity before he was going to be turned into the hands of the enemy. He prayed to Father let them be one with us as we are one.
I want to encourage you, by yourself you can do nothing. Thinking you need no covering is another big mistake many of us commit. I thank God for Right Hand Apostolic Network has been helping so much, thank you Pastor John (Yamin) for receiving me and for all the time you dedicate to sit with me and educate me in those areas to be able to be a successful man in the calling that God has put in front of me.
I encourage you to seek unity, seek unity. It’s one of the main things that we here at Right Hand Apostolic Network focus on, we know how important it is. We need you as you need us, unity, there is power in unity. It is time for to stand in unity and declare what God has put in front of us to conquer. To be able to come to educate, to be able to prepare the saints for the work of the gospel. I know and I pray that each one you to be able to come into agreement and say I need this, I can’t do this alone, there is power in unity and Right Hand Apostolic Network is here to unite with you. Amen.
Brother John Yamin: I am going to pose a couple of questions, I believe it will help those listening of course. I am going to pose the questions based on what other pastors have asked me, they will come and say “I can’t get anyone to do anything in my church”. What would be your answer to this problem?
Brother Amos Yormie: People will not be motivated to anything they don’t understand. That is a very key point. In order to have your workers mobilized and to be effective to lift your hands in accomplishing what God has called you to do. One thing is to teach them the vision so that they understand, because if they do not understand where you are going or what you are trying to accomplish it is going to be very difficult for them follow your leading.
Brother Sandro Ruiz: I am in total agreement, let me put it this way, if you get hired for a job and the supervisor does not teach you what is your job description, what you have to do therefore you will not be successful, you will not be able to get the job done. I believe that equipping the saints is one of the main things. We have to teach them the Word of God. The Holy Spirit is the one that selects and puts in your heart what is your calling. For an example, we receive a prophet word over our life that we are called to pastor. So automatically we think we got to get up all of a sudden and go open a church in that moment but yet we have no idea what it is to be a pastor. Only because that revelational word came to our life or that prophetic word it doesn’t mean that it is the time. For example, if my daughter wants to be a doctor, that’s her dream to be a doctor that means now she has to go to school and be educated in that area and receive the credentials to get to that point. In ministry, when there is a calling upon our life and us as pastors we have to have that gift of discernment to be able to also see that drive that they have in that area of ministry. One of the things I also do as well is I ask them, sometimes it’s okay to ask them, if they say they are called to be a pastor. You look at what they do, how responsible they are in everything they do, you are able to see how much work needs to be done. How much teaching you need to bring to the table to be able to direct them in that calling, the office they will be taking.
Brother John Yamin: You use the word equip. That word is found in Ephesians chapter 4, looking at the eleventh verse and the verses that follow. Now that word equip then becomes a key word because fivefold ministry, apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher, and evangelist. Every single office, every single ministry called in the fivefold ministry, everyone is called to equip. So that is something we don’t have to struggle to know and understand, scripture, written word, is your best source of any wisdom or knowledge to move forward. So, it says, “equipping the saints for the work of the ministry.” So, let’s look at equip for a second. A pastor, for example, understands, “my job is to equip.” It also follows as a pastor, “I need to be equipped”. So, let’s look at the Greek word for “equip”, we believe the word of God is without error and inspired in the original language, Greek, the New Testament, Hebrew, the Old Testament, the translations well, we give them a little slack. That’s why we go back and look at the original meaning, the original meaning is in the original language. So, the Holy Spirit picked out those words to put in the Word of God for a reason, to cause us to understand. Now equipped, what does that mean to you?
Brother Amos Yormie: Mature, to empower, to strengthen, to build
Brother Sandro Ruiz: The same thing, to empower, to training, to lead them to scripture, to be dressed in the full armor of the gospel, which is something we all need.
Brother John Yamin: All that is true. Adding to that, augmenting, equipping is the Greek word, katartismos, katartismos is the same word that was used when it was said of the disciples that they were mending their nets, they were katartismos their nets. The first thing that happens when we as fivefold ministry begin to equip, we’re mending them, putting them back together. Healing, healing their broken heart, healing their physical body, healing their mind is part of the equipping. It is very difficult to do your share, the work of the ministry. I feel sad for those who do not think the pastor works. They ought to try it for about two weeks. It couldn’t be farther from the truth. However, we see mending, making whole. Jesus said, “Will thou be made whole?” Wholeness is everything about me functions properly. My mind, my will, my body, because you cannot do the work of the ministry if you are in that condition. It becomes extremely difficult. You talked about mending, that is one aspect of it, training, that is part of it, but here is a phrase that is interesting, “making fully qualified for service. Making fully qualified for service.” So, there is an aspect of ministry that we often miss because we are not understanding the qualification aspect. Now Jesus has qualified us for salvation, qualified us for heaven, qualified us righteous, qualified us that we can say, “Daddy God, Father”, qualified us to be sons, daughters of Father God. That has all been done by Jesus, He qualified us for all of that.
But now that we are qualified as sons, the Father says, “How would you like to operate and function in God and Sons Business? What part of the Father’s business? Jesus said, “Don’t you know I would be about doing my Father’s business?” Because of that, just as you (Brother Sandro) had mentioned, there is the process of being qualified to work in the business. That means I got to know what I am doing. The Lord wants us to know what we are doing. I submit this, one of the reasons it’s difficult, “to get people to do things.” It’s not them. Now both of you did well because you did not put it on them. All too often pastors fall into a trap and they blame the people. The Holy Spirit doesn’t come saying, “You got a whole mess there, you poor thing.” I remember the Spirit of the Lord dealing with me when I was beginning to pastor years ago, He said, “Where does it say I bring you the finished product? Is it not the lame, the maimed, those that come? I am bringing them to you for you to equip them. You fix them.” I maintain this, if a pastor is having a problem and he’s winding up doing everything so often is I submit, he’s not doing his job. Which is to equip.
Now, it is not good for man to be alone. You know when God said that in Genesis, that is for all time, everything. It is the power of God speaking, when he said it is not good for man to be alone, period. That’s the way it is from then until now. It takes fivefold to equip. The pastor cannot do it alone. This is a direction, this is what we want pastors to understand and receive. At the same time, we cannot separate ourselves from gathering together for times of encouragement, for times of confirmation, for times of receiving wisdom one to another, I am as interested in learning from the both of you in the same way. I’m listening, oh that’s pretty good. The word says encourage one another, encourage means to put courage into, discouragement is to take courage out of and the Lord knows we’re around enough people who are trying to discourage whatever it is that you are doing. They keep telling you how you can’t. Right Hand Apostolic Network want to say to every pastor, “You can do it!”
Close us in prayer.
Brother Sandro Ruiz: Heavenly Father, we thank you first and foremost for this gathering. We ask for those who are watching (listening) acknowledge that is not good for man to be alone. That they can acknowledge that there is power in unity. That they can acknowledge that it is about fivefold ministry which is one of the greatest things established by God for the church. Lord, we ask you right now in the name of Jesus, that we can come to our senses and acknowledge that the fivefold ministry is needed so that a church can move in power. Right now, Father God we thank you for those that are listening. We thank you for those who are taking the initiative to say I need that in my life I need that for the congregation and we are going to join in unity with Right Hand Apostolic Network. Father God, we bless them right now, in the Name of Jesus. We pray this in the mighty Name of Jesus.